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Today’s post is a fun and affordable DIY to customize your home space or give as a thoughtful, handmade gift.

All you need are candles and vessels that you already own, or you can thrift a unique vessel.
Some vessel options are 1) pint mason jars 2) tea cups or coffee mugs 3) decorative bowls.
I found these cute terra cotta dishes at a thrift store and thought they would be perfect for this project.
I’ll be sharing how to revitalize both an older candle already in a vessel and a sole pillar candle.
Tips for candle making
1. Use oven mitts when handling the warm glass.
2. When repurposing a candle previously lit, you may want to reserve some of the melted wax while pouring so that the previous charred remnants of the candle don’t transfer to your new dish.
3. Try to not disrupt the newly filled vessel while the wax dries, otherwise the wax will pit around the wick (see image) and impair the functionality and beauty of the candle.

Tools you may need
Wire rack that fits inside your pot
Glass dish with a spout
Chosen vessel
Glue or tape
Old candle

Jarred Candle
1. Place a wire rack at the bottom of you pot, then rest your jarred candle in the center of that rack, and fill pot with water until it reaches halfway up the jar. My InstaPot wire rack fits perfectly inside my 5 quart pot.
2. Bring water to a constant simmer until wax in jar has completely melted. Remove old wick from melted wax.
3. Prepare your chosen vessel by securing a new candle wick to the bottom of your new vessel with double sided wick tape.
4. Secure new wick between two chopsticks so that it remains straight as you pour the wax into the vessel. See photo above.
5. Steadily pour the melted wax into your new vessel and discard the old glass.
Pillar candle
1. After placing your wire rack at the bottom of you pot, set your glass dish with a spout into your pot. Fill pot with water until glass pitcher is halfway submerged.
2. Place pillar candle into glass dish and bring water to a constant simmer until wax has completely melted.
3. Prepare your chosen vessel by securing a new candle wick to the bottom of your new vessel.
4. Secure new wick between two chopsticks so that it remains straight as you pour the wax into the vessel. See photo above.
5. Steadily pour the melted wax into your new vessel.
6. Wipe out remnants of wax from glass dish with a paper towel while the wax is still liquid.
Have fun with this creative candle DIY! What new vessel would you choose?