Food From ScratchLunch & Dinner

White Fish in Homemade Tomato Sauce

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The star of this recipe is, hands down, the homemade tomato sauce – especially when it’s made with tomatoes from your very own garden. The slow sauté of the onion on a low heat brings incredible flavor to the sauce. Then pop in your homegrown tomato varieties to bring a pleasant sweetness to the savory dish.

I recommend serving this dinner over a grain that can really soak up the incredible sauce. Our go-to is rice or quinoa.

Need help managing the abundance of tomatoes from the garden? This sauce here does it. You can even make this sauce for spaghetti or pizza. Phenomenal flavor!

This delicious dish is incredibly easy to whip up – it all comes together in just one pot.

Tools you may need

Deep sauce pan or 5 quart pot

Measuring cups and spoons

Ingredients list

Olive oil








*Any other white fish could be substituted for cod.

**We tend to use a combination of roma and cherry tomatoes.

White Fish in Homemade Tomato Sauce

Serves: 4

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 20 minutes


1/4 C olive oil

1 onion, chopped

2 garlic cloves, minced

4 cod fillets, thawed

16 oz tomatoes


1 tsp oregano

1 tsp paprika


  1. Add olive oil and finely chopped onion into pan over medium-low heat. Salt. Then sauté until onions are browning, but not burning.
  2. As onions sauté, rub fillets with the oregano, paprika, and salt.
  3. Stir garlic into the pan. Then, once fragrant, add tomatoes and cover pan with lid. Continually check and stir tomatoes until they’ve completely become sauce.
  4. Bury fish fillets within sauce and cover the pan. Cook until their internal temperature is 145F.
  5. Serve over cooked grains and top with feta.

Plan of Action

For a 5 PM dinner, start sautéing the onion at 4:30 PM. While the onion sautés, start cooking your grain. Set the table or clean up the kitchen while your fish cooks in the sauce. Enjoy!

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